Welcome to the Saint Ignatius of Antioch Orthodox Church, Belfast. Ours parish belongs to the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of the British Isles and Ireland. We are in communion with all the other Orthodox Churches worldwide, Antioch being one of the ancient sees of the Christian Church, (Acts 11:26). In line with Orthodox practice, our services are in the language of the people; in our case, English. Everyone is welcome to come along to our services.

Services are typically held once a month, usually on the first or second weekend. For the most up-to-date schedule, please visit our Services page. Thank you.

To receive parish news and updates, including the weekly newsletter with a homily in your email, subscribe to our mailing list by clicking HERE.





The Patron Saint of this Parish is Saint Ignatius of Antioch (Feast day 20th December). "Like a living monument and an animate image, thy yearly feast is come, O God-bearing Ignatius, proclaiming thy mystic teachings and thy heroic exploits, thy resistance for the Faith even unto blood, and those blessed and celebrated words of thine, which said: I am the wheat of God, and in the teeth of beasts shall I be ground up. Wherefore, as an imitator of the Passion of Christ, intercede that our souls be saved." +Orthros of the Feast, Tone 1.


We worship at Cullen Memorial Hall, Donegall Road Methodist Church, 381 Donegall Road, Belfast, BT12 6GR

We are using the Cullen Memorial Hall, the church hall beside the Methodist church (on the right hand side of the church).  You can enter the hall directly from the street. We have been advised to park on Maldon Street, to the left of the church.  The nearest railway station is City Hospital. We are grateful to the minister and congregation of Donegall Road Methodist for their assistance and their welcome.



Please contact us if you have any queries regarding our services, events or where we are located. We will be happy to assist in anyway possible.